Evaluation version of Atmo is available for free download

About Atmo

Atmo is a platform for data management and reporting under a variety of reporting regimes. It is the best available software to report on greenhouse gases, MRV and beyond.

Atmo can orchestrate and manage all aspects of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory management and reporting, organize the in-country business processes, compile the inventory, support data entry, aggregations, calculations, analysis, and reporting according to the latest IPCC guidance and UNFCCC reporting standards. Atmo supports QA/QC by providing various data quality checks and visualisations and integrates with national IT systems and data sources.

Atmo is particularly fit to run in developing countries, it can work offline, without Internet connection and has undemanding hardware requirements. It can import data from existing inventory software and bespoke GHG management arrangements and databases.

Atmo has mature collaboration features and backup and disaster recovery arrangements, it is flexible, multi-lingual and fun to work with.

More information about Atmo is available on the product page, you can also download the evaluation version there.

CRF experience for developing countries, today.

Atmo provides Non-Annex I countries an opportunity to experience what reporting with Common Reporting Format (CRF)  tables will be like.

The Paris Agreement calls all on Parties to increase transparency of their climate reporting. In particular, the following constraints are envisaged: 

  • Developed country Parties shall not backslide on the rigour and transparency in their reporting;
  • All countries shall report uniformly and comparably;
  • Developing country Parties shall be allowed flexibility in the light of their national circumstances.

A practical solution to this trilemma is to base the new reporting regime on the standard which is currently used by developed (Annex I) countries. This standard is called the Common Reporting Tables (CRF). Developing countries could report according to the requirements of the CRF and be provided flexibility in the form of tolerance to data gaps and reporting at more aggregated levels.

At the SB50 meeting in Bonn in June 2019, the Parties' discussion went exactly in this direction. The hurdle in the way of these negotiations is that Non-Annex I Parties have no experience of working with CRF tables and no tools available to them to gain such experience. IPCC software does not generate CRF Tables. UNFCCC CRF Reporter is currently available only to Annex I countries. The urgent progress in the critical transparency negotiations may suffer because of the lack of tools.

The evaluation version of Atmo will provide developing countries with the first experience of using CRF tables for reporting. It offers "same-as-Annex I" data entry structure and a great number of add-on functionality. It is available today, leaving plenty of time for the Parties to familiarize with CRF before they meet to discuss the matter again in December in Santiago de Chile. 

We invite all developing countries and all other interested users to try Atmo.

GHG inventory software for Annex I Parties

Annex I Parties integrate Atmo into their inventory management workflow. Atmo offers unrivaled productivity features which are either completely unavailable or very expensive to implement with other tools. Here are just the ones you get out of the evaluation version: 

  • Work on inventory submissions and CRF tables without sharing all your data with UNFCCC immediately;
  • Side-by-side view of data entry and affected reporting tables;
  • Advanced data analysis and quality control;
  • Convenient services to work with comments, years, copying of data, hiding and automated filling of unused categories with notation keys;
  • Charts and visual outlier detection;
  • Built-in cross-country comparisons for any inventory variable.

Even if your country is not using Atmo to work on official submissions, you can still use the software for your part of inventory work: just download your inventory from CRF Reporter in Simple XML format and load it into Atmo.